Its that time again folks ! Pop My Berry is continuing its giveaway on August ! We've changed the format this time around..describe POPMYBERRY in 3 words,anything goes ! You don't have to be creative or mind-blowing, just describe us in 3 WORDS (positively we hope :P) How to enter this giveaway ?
on twitter : " @popmyberry _____ ______ _______ (your 3 words to describe us laa) #pmbgiveaway5 "
in facebook : go the pic above and type "Popmyberry _____ ______ _______ (your 3 words laa) at the comment section.. if you clicked Like than much more better rite ? hahaha
The winning entry will be choosen in random so not necessarily the most creative slogan wins ! Its just that we're bored with people just re tweeting and clicking Like so a bit more work for you guys right? haha and entries can be in Bahasa Melayu or English only..Other languages sorry can't understand 'em .
And the winner will received a Brand New Black Berry 8520 Gemini and you send as many enteries as you want !!! In the words of Mizz Nina : Whatcha waitin' for !!